Monday, December 20, 2010

Teach those pricks a lesson

Well its another week of bleak and foreboding forecast for the future of our nation and our world. This economic hardship that the first world has had to endure has caused the people to focus inward, but in a very selfish and self-centered way. People should be concerned with their own survival of course and I don't want to fault anyone for taking the initiative to ensure a standard of living that allows them to eat regularly. What I can't stand is all those people, lets call them Friedmenites, who are taking advantage of these difficult times. It is in fact Milton Friedman's assertion that disaster and discord is great for a capitalist regime for people can make LOADS of money of the misfortune, fear, and misery of others. This is the system we seem hellbent on perpetuating and I have to stop and wonder what sane individual would wish this system on the future generations of their families. The conclusion I draw is either that we are for the most part not sane people or that sane people, even in abundance, are to sane for their own good. When city states ruled the lands, if a tyrant was so horrible the people rose up and removed him from power and his head from his body. Those were mad times of course, but if sanity dictates that we must deal with a mule by asking it nicely to move along, sanity begins to look rather insane.

So what must we do if we hope to achieve a better world for the future and prevent a modern "Dark Age" from consuming the globe? Well first of we need to make sure these bastards and bitches, who seem to think we are complacent little sheep willing to take what ever they dish out because we are principled, to know FEAR. Principles are good and all and I am glad that many people have them and are willing to try to live by them, but if you wish to out smart or just out last those people who would do anything for their own advantage then we really have to start considering the values of our principles. One thing we must consider is universal human rights. We have this idea that everyone has the right to life and to live their lives, but those in power show us clearly that it is not the case. We have the right to life in word more then in action and we only have a right to that life as long as it does no interfere with their plans.

Now I am not suggesting that the government is in the practice of assassinations, though no doubt some are, rather I am working off the idea that a right to life also means a right to live that life in a way we choose that does not hinder or harm the lives of another human being. The problem is, these people do not feel this way. Instead they feel that as long as they do not kill anyone they can do just about anything else for their own benefit. If it ends up killing someone they don't really care, because they know it is highly unlikely they will be taken to task.

As they know well fear is a powerful tool to keep people under control. We are still a very primal species and require primal reminders, maybe if these prick got the proper reminder, like they are not UNTOUCHABLE, (jail time or other consequences) then they might take an interest in what other people have to say and how they live...just a thought.

1 comment:

  1. As a side note to this post, thanks to a good friend, I have been told that my post could excite violence amoung people. I would ask that any reading this not be enticed towards violence, it is an exageration born out of frustration and not a call to arms. I usually preach rationality, but make extreme statements to get the attention of people, forgetting that some make take it into their heads to actually commit the acts of violence I seem to be calling for. I want to stress that this is just a method of thinking in such a callouse way as those whom the post was writen about. Though I do not suggest, condone or call for violence, I still think the people I wrote about in the post are truly inhuman individuals.
