Saturday, December 4, 2010

On Wikileaks and the dangers of keeping secrets

Well I think I have heard just about enough of how evil a thing wikileaks has done. Iran now knows that its neighbours wanted it bombed and those neighbours will have to deal with the consequences. The complaint is that now Saudi Arabia is in danger because it's secret desire to bring harm upon someone else is out and they will actually have to live with the consequences.

Well I have a simple solution to that, and no it is not the assassination of Assange. I would propose to actually hold open and honest relations between states. Sure you could respond that such a move would make international relations impossible. I would instead suggest that it forces states to consider their actions if the intimate details of their plans could be released to their enemies.

Yes this move is terrible for dictators, tyrants, and other oppressive regims (Canada, United States?) How bad is this for democratic countries like Canada and the United States (caught that did you). So I put forward to nations that maybe you should try to hold honest and well intentioned diplomatic relations with even your enemies, that way when the next release occurs you will look like the good guy you should be.

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