Friday, December 24, 2010

A little hope for the holidays

I am disappointed at the very angry tone of my last post, but the year has not felt like a very bright one. I have decided that today I will share one of my ideas for improving the style of government carried out in Canada. The focus of this suggestion resides in creating a more democratic government without changing the entire system. Let me know what you think.

The first thing I feel needs to occur is the disbanding of political parties. These powerful political entities make democratic practice almost impossible and must be removed from the equation. The house should be filled with many independents. This would cause confusion among voters for the at least the first election for they can no longer vote party over policy and it would put the initiative in the hands of the individual to find out more about their own candidates. It would also force a more open and honest vote in the house because each elected member would be working for its constituent and would not suffer the extreme pressures put on them by their party to tow the line. This would also save money for their would be no cross country campaigning for there is no national seat.

So how would the Prime Minster be chosen. Well once the house is sitting the first order of business for its members would be electing a Prime Minister from its members. This I believe is much more democratic then the leader of the party with the most seats getting to be PM since each member was an independently elected individual and it opens the floor to multiple nominations from a variety of political backgrounds.

Sure this system needs more work and I have much more to say on this in the new year, but I though it would be a nice follow up to my last past and a good precursor to my next post that will show up within the next week. Happy holidays, and here is three cheers to finding and alternative.

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